C O U N S E L I N G   β€’   R E C O V E R Y   β€’   S E R V I C E   N A V I G A T I O N  β€’   S U I C I D E   P R E V E N T I O N   β€’   S U P P O R T E D   H O U S I N G


Buckelew in Brief: February 2024


Votes Are In!
Maternidad y Esperanza Wins Equity Grant

We are thrilled to announce that our Maternidad y Esperanza (β€œMotherhood and Hope”) program, which supports Latina mothers experiencing postpartum depression and/or trauma, won a $55,000 grant through Marin County’s first-ever β€œparticipatory budgeting” project. Marin residents were invited this fall and winter to vote for up to seven community projects they felt deserved funding. We are immensely grateful for everyone who recognized the importance of our work and voted for Maternidad y Esperanza, which was among the top 10 vote-getters!

The grants went to 24 innovative programs designed to advance racial equity in underserved communities in San Rafael’s Canal area, Marin City, Novato and West Marin. Maternidad y Esperanza’s parent aid caseworkers serve 150+ new mothers each year. Most are immigrants with untreated trauma resulting from extreme poverty and violence. Yet language barriers, low income, immigration status and mental health stigma have prevented them from seeking help. Our compassionate caseworkers, who have deep community ties and trust, connect young mothers to services, support groups and urgent needs – including food, diapers and transportation. 

Gear Up: Early-Bird Tickets on Sale Now!

Calling all mountain bikers, hikers, strollers and nature lovers! Get your early-bird tickets to our highly-anticipated spring event at beautiful Miwok Meadows in China Camp State Park on May 11. Meet us where marsh meets meadow for the North Bay’s biggest and best fun-raiser supporting access to mental healthcare. Come for the adventure, stay for the post-trail party! All ages and levels welcome. SAVE $50 on early-bird tickets now through March 17.


Buckelew Board Retreat:
Strategic Visioning and Community Building

The Buckelew Programs Board of Directors gathered this month at our new Sonoma County office for their annual retreat – a day of strategic visioning for 2024, community building and gaining deeper knowledge about Buckelew's programs. Each member brought unique perspectives, experiences and energy for the year ahead. Their dedication to our mission to provide access to mental healthcare for all is truly inspiring.

First row (left to right): Ernesto Olivares, Carol-Anne Chang, Jaime Faurot, Mary Bihr, Brooke Igleheart Ross, Lydia Arellano. Second row: Warren Dodge, Chris Kughn (Buckelew CEO), Jack Scott, Leslie Dixon, Stanley Moore, JD Schramm, Scott Maclise, Gracie Francisco. Not pictured: Judy Kramer, Karen Wilson, Rowan Smith

inRESPONSE: Leading with Pride

Congrats to inRESPONSE program director KT Swan and their entire team, which the Sonoma County Pride Board recognized for their positive impact within the LGBTQI+ community! The honor included a $3,000 gift to support the innovative mobile program that responds to non-violent crisis calls with a mental health-first approach. 

InRESPONSE has been connecting people to care and social services since its launch in Santa Rosa in 2022. The mobile crew includes a licensed mental health clinician, paramedic and homeless outreach specialist. Buckelew plays a large part in helping connect individuals with wrap-around support services and follow-up care. inRESPONSE plans to expand from 15 hours a day to 24/7 this year, so stay tuned for more stories about its positive impact in the community!

Discover the Benefits of Sponsorship


Many thanks to our growing family of Bike+Hike4Buckelew sponsors: Marin Community Foundation, Marin Sanitary Service, Poppy Bank, Relevant Wealth Advisors, WestAmerica Bank, Marin Living, Mike's Bikes, Marin Cyclists, San Rafael Bike Dawgs, Tam High Mountain Bike Race Team, Access4Bikes, The Bike Shop at REI Corte Madera, The New Wheel, Weaver's Coffee & Tea, 101 Surf Sports.
Want to join the party? Email MaryW@Buckelew.org to learn about sponsorship opportunities.


Thank you for your interest in our work. We welcome all suggestions to help us improve our communications to you. Please contact Pat Gallagher, Chief Philanthropy Officer at PatG@Buckelew.org or 415.491.5748.


N O V A T O    |    N A P A    |    S A N T A   R O S A    |    S A N   R A F A E L

Buckelew Programs
201 Alameda del Prado Suite 103
 | Novato, California 94949
 | info@Buckelew.org

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